SwordMasters - Version 1.1

Update Log - Version 1.1:

  • Added Stay Damage Feature:
    • Implemented functionality to continuously damage the player every 0.2 seconds while inside the enemy's trigger.
    • Achieved by using a coroutine DamagePlayer that triggers damage at a set interval while the player remains within the trigger area.
  • Added Restart Button:
    • Included a restart button to allow players to reset the game state when dying.
    • It enhances the player experience by allowing them to restart the game without exiting or reloading easily.

These updates improve gameplay dynamics by introducing a sustained threat with the stay damage feature and enhancing user convenience with the addition of the restart button.


SwordMasters - 1.1.zip 5.1 MB
97 days ago
SwordMasters - 1.0.zip 5.1 MB
97 days ago

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